The ALRC online has been engaged in researching problems with the handling of domestic violence issues, and finding ways to improve outcomes for Australians dealing with domestic violence. The commission welcomes public comment and submission. To participate in this, click on the link in this post and go to the Family Violence pages. My submission appears below.
"The Australian legal response to domestic violence seems to contribute to the risk experienced by parents and children affected by violence. It is notable that leaving the violent situation, renders abused persons more vulnerable. When a protective (and abused) parent leaves the domestic violence situation, any involved children are left without the protection the abused parent was able to provide, and are required by law to continue relating with the abusive parent. This is entirely ludicrous, and arises because the current legal state of play rates childrens' relationships with abusive parents more highly than it does childrens' safety. Protective parents attempting to change this via the legal system, are pressured to 'negotiate' with abusers regarding 'parenting' issues (when in fact the issue is not parenting, but is violence.) These parents (mostly women) are also required to appear 'friendly' toward childrens relationships with abusers.
These things appear to me an appalling injustice against some of the most vulnerable people in the community, they require a genuine, categorically 'anti-violence' response (rather than a 'we don't support violence but our laws will continue to support rather than prevent it' response). Make no mistake, that is what our current family law situation, does."